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Catherine Nunes
April 28, 2024

Episode6: WINTER – A ‘Festival’ Podcast

A special podcast episode that looks back at The ShakingBog’s Festival last September. Presenting a montage of excerpts from the festival programme this podcast is just a small taster of what happened over that magical weekend. A stellar line-up of artists and expert naturalists gathered in the Glencree Valley to share poetry, prose, art, music, conversation, workshops and nature trails. It was a wholehearted celebration of the alchemy that happens when art and nature meet and we hope that this episode reflects something of the warmth, energy and hopefulness of the festival.

Artists featured in this Festival Podcast, in order of appearance, include: Michael Longley, Paddy Glackin, Liz Berry, Alice Oswald, Colm Mac Con Iomaire, Kerrí ní Dochartaigh, Mary Coughlan, Roddy Doyle, Dara McAnulty, Lisa Lambe, Marty Rae, John McLoughlin and Melissa Harrison

The Shaking Bog invites you to visit our website to learn more about each of these artists. and to read some of their wonderful work. If you would like to read some of their wonderful work then we recommend that you order your books from our official supplier, Bridgestreet Books, Co. Wicklow ( or another independent bookseller.

This podcast is produced by The Shaking Bog Festival in collaboration with Coillte Nature & Mermaid Arts Centre, with funding fromThe Arts Council. Written & presented by Catherine Nunes, edited by Bjorn MacGiolla, mixed by Steve McGrath with theme music composed by Ray Harmon.

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